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By joining OGP, all members undertake to make commitments, as part of an action plan, that are ambitious and go beyond a government’s current practice, and to assess and report on their performance in meeting these commitments.

All OGP members are expected to comply with the OGP process, and to uphold the values and principles outlined in the Open Government Declaration to which they subscribe upon joining OGP.

A country’s participation in OGP may be reviewed if it acts contrary to the OGP process, or contrary to OGP principles.

Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM)

The IRM is OGP’s accountability arm and the main means of tracking progress in participating countries. The IRM provides independent, evidence-based, and objective reporting to hold OGP members accountable and support their open government efforts. This is done through reports and timely recommendations during key moments in the action plan cycle.

The IRM is guided by, but not directly accountable to, the OGP Steering Committee. An International Experts Panel (IEP) directly oversees the IRM.

Member Self-Assessments

Participating governments are encouraged to produce an End-of-term Self-Assessment Report on the final results of reforms completed in the action plan, consultation during implementation, and lessons learned.

Compliance with Regulations

A country’s participation in OGP may be reviewed if it acts contrary to OGP process or contrary to OGP principles through the following review mechanisms which are overseen by the OGP Steering Committee.

Procedural Review: Mechanism to ensure that all participating members act in accordance with the OGP process, from the timely delivery of action plans, to meeting minimum co-creation standards throughout action plan cycles, and maintaining minimum OGP eligibility scores.

Response Policy: This Policy applies in exceptional circumstances only, when an OGP participating country appears to be taking actions that undermine the values and principles of OGP, as articulated in the Open Government Declaration, in a way that demonstrates an egregious and blatant disregard for those values, and has the potential to be sufficiently damaging to OGP reputation.

Rapid Response Protocol: Framework for OGP to respond swiftly to situations where there are allegations of serious violations of OGP values and principles by an OGP member and a response required is urgent in nature, meaning that the concern cannot or will not be addressed in the near term (within three months) by the IRM, Procedural Review or the Response Policy.

Open Government Partnership